Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Transition to Cloud: A journey to Modern Work with Microsoft 365

The digital transformation of the business world has pushed businesses to address new challenges: remote work, cloud migration, and device security is the new normal. Today's decision makers need to create people connections, address burnout, and work toward consolidating apps. With Microsoft 365, you get a platform boosted with industry-leading apps, intelligent cloud services, and world-class security. You can download and sync devices, detect threats before issues occur, simplify through vendor consolidation, and so much more. This infographic explains the 6 ways Microsoft 365 apps and services can ease your organization's journey to modern work.

View: Transition to Cloud: A journey to Modern Work with Microsoft 365

Monday, December 27, 2021

6 ways digitalization Is empowering women around the world

Digitalization is breaking the barriers for women across the globe. From rural education to entrepreneurship, digitalization is giving a voice to those who previously didn't have one—reducing the gap between men and women and empowering them to build communities, develop ideas, and strive for excellence in all areas.


Host your .NET application and data on the most cost-effective cloud

Optimize costs so your resources are better spent on increasing operational efficiencies, supporting new business priorities, and improving customer experiences. Sign up to stay informed on the latest cloud computing trends and learn more about migrating your apps and data to Microsoft Azure— the most cost-effective cloud.

View: Host your .NET application and data on the most cost-effective cloud

Transition to Cloud Deployment checklist

Businesses rely on cloud transformation for the stability and agility it offers to their operations. Microsoft 365 enables this transformation by realizing modern work environments where users are productive and secure while working from anywhere. Review the infographic and get started today with this 5-step deployment checklist. Learn how you can rapidly deploy Teams, secure access, provide employees with adequate support, and more.

View: Transition to Cloud Deployment checklist

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

3 Smart Ways to Exceed Your Customers' Digital Expectations

Customer experience (CX) is taking the forefront as businesses discover its strong correlation to revenue growth. The drive to become an experience-focused business doesn't just come from the C-suite. Anyone with a deep understanding of today's digital mandate and a strong vision for what digital experiences can do for customers and the business can lead the charge. Sign up now to stay connected to show you the three smart ways to exceed your customers' digital expectations, along with real-world success stories, to help unlock your organization's potential.

View: 3 Smart Ways to Exceed Your Customers' Digital Expectations

Monday, December 20, 2021

Empowering the assembly line

Toyota was already planning to deploy Microsoft Teams to connect its diverse lines of business and improve productivity, when the pandemic hit. A six-month launch plan was reduced to three weeks, connecting 40,000 people across the company and enabling a more efficient method for virtual troubleshooting of processes. Learn how Teams supports the company's culture and ideals.

Security and privacy with an integrated portfolio of cloud services

Businesses rely on cloud transformation for the stability and agility it offers to their operations. Microsoft 365 enables this transformation by realizing modern work environments where users are productive and secure while working from anywhere. Secure your business with technology you can trust, ensure only the right users have access without affecting productivity, and protect your data through security best practices and easy-to-use policies that prevent accidental data leaks. Sign up to say connected—we'll help you learn more about making the transition to the cloud and into a more secure environment.

View: Security and privacy with an integrated portfolio of cloud services

Goodyear drives more remote collaboration to keep plants running with Microsoft Teams

As a company dedicated to keeping people moving, Goodyear tire company wasn't about to slow down because of global travel restrictions due to COVID-19. When engineers could no longer travel to factories for equipment installation or troubleshooting, Goodyear turned to Microsoft Teams running on RealWear voice controlled, assisted-reality wearable computers to bring the engineering experts into the plants virtually—enabling instantaneous collaboration from remote locations, and saving money on travel costs.


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Social Asset BYL 10: Subscribe now!

Frontline Workers are often the first to engage with your customers, to represent your brand, and to see products in action. Empower your Frontline Workforce with @Microsoft Teams, which empowers your entire organisation.

View: Social Asset BYL 10: Subscribe now!

Solution overview video

This video highlights the many ways Microsoft Teams can help your business inspire collaboration, reduce costs and risks, and deepen engagement.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Special Olympics Leaders Use Microsoft Teams to Build Community and Shape the Future

When Grace, a Special Olympics athlete and global youth leader from New Zealand, heard that a friend of hers had to miss a long-awaited competition due to transportation issues, her response was to help build an app that ensured other athletes wouldn't run into similar problems. She teamed up with fellow global youth leader Jack, and the pair worked on a project designed to connect Special Olympics athletes with transportation. When COVID-19 threatened to stall the project's momentum, the duo quickly turned to Microsoft Teams to collaborate and continue developing their app, making sure their inclusive initiative didn't miss a beat. Teams enabled them to communicate across continents and stay on track with their plans.


Special Olympics Leaders Use Microsoft Teams to Build Community and Shape the Future

When Grace, a Special Olympics athlete and global youth leader from New Zealand, heard that a friend of hers had to miss a long-awaited competition due to transportation issues, her response was to help build an app that ensured other athletes wouldn't run into similar problems. She teamed up with fellow global youth leader Jack, and the pair worked on a project designed to connect Special Olympics athletes with transportation. When COVID-19 threatened to stall the project's momentum, the duo quickly turned to Microsoft Teams to collaborate and continue developing their app, making sure their inclusive initiative didn't miss a beat. Teams enabled them to communicate across continents and stay on track with their plans.


Connect sales, service, and operations using Power Platform

This video highlights how Power Platform can help accelerate B2B manufacturing sales by connecting sales, service, and operations. Learn how Microsoft's Power Platform and Common Data Model can increase the lifetime value of customer relationships.

The Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suit microsoft Cloud understand plan

 The Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suite from Microsoft offers two primary plans: EMS E3 and EMS E5. Each plan includes a range of to...