Monday, September 27, 2021

Remote developer productivity

The way people work and live changed drastically during 2020. As companies had to quickly transition to remote work, the challenges became clear. From adopting a new culture to overcoming collaboration and remote shipping challenges, there had to be an integral solution for these types of issues. The customers' objective is to enable a remote Development paradigm that allows their developers to invent with purpose as effectively (if not more so) as before this situation. They expect any investments they make in the cloud now to accrue benefits to the way they'll continue to operate after the world has transitioned to the new normal. Fortunately, Microsoft offers a wide variety of tools and platforms, from Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Azure, GitHub, and Visual Studio—helping companies build business resilience. Subscribe to stay connected—we´ll help your development teams code, collaborate, and ship their internal and customer-facing apps even while working as a remotely distributed team.

View: Remote developer productivity

Get the most out of Microsoft Azure with Visual Studio

If you have a Microsoft Visual Studio subscription, make sure you explore the benefits that come with it—or you may be leaving value on the table. Use your monthly Microsoft Azure credits and Azure training, DevTest pricing, Azure DevOps, support, and more. Get an overview of all your benefits and even project ideas for how to use your credits.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Get started with GitHub and Azure DevOps

Adopting the tools and mindset of DevOps in the right manner can facilitate development efficiency, boost productivity, and increase the rate at which products can be brought to market. Sign up to stay connected. We'll help you navigate the world of GitHub and Azure DevOps and share helpful tips to get started.

View: Get started with GitHub and Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps vs. GitHub: Comparing the Microsoft DevOps tools

When diving into the world of DevOps tools, it's important to remember that Microsoft Azure DevOps and GitHub each offer unique value and overlapping capabilities. They can be used separately or together, so there's even a "why not both?" scenario. Learn the history of these two DevOps tools, the specific advantages of each, and how to get started using them.


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Accelerate developer velocity using any platform, any language, and any cloud

Teams that adopt DevOps culture, practices, and tools become high-performing—building better products faster for greater customer satisfaction. This improved collaboration and productivity is essential to achieve business goals such as accelerating time to market, adapting to the market and competition, maintaining system stability and reliability, and improving the mean time to recovery. Sign up to say connected—we'll help you learn more about Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio from Microsoft.

Monday, September 13, 2021

What Will Manufacturing's New Normal Be After COVID-19?

Historically, industries have been shaped long-term by the short-term changes taken during global crises. Disruptions introduced by COVID-19 are already showing signs of accelerating long-term changes. This thought leadership piece explains several trends and major shifts in manufacturing that may result from short-term responses to the pandemic.


The Art of Possible: Manufacturing priorities that will define 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced unprecedented change and disruption in 2020 for the manufacturing industry. In this video, Microsoft's Çağlayan Arkan and special guest Enno de Boer from McKinsey & Co. look back on this unprecedented year and offer predictions for 2021. Understand the four durable shifts that need to be top-of-mind for the industry, learn what other leaders are doing to drive success and business resiliency, and gain new strategies to accelerate transformation and innovation in 2021.

MPAA relies on Azure and Visual Studio to innovate and increase efficiencies

When the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences maxxed-out its on-premises infrastructure, it turned to Microsoft Azure to expand its capacity into the cloud. It also leaned into Azure DevOps to improve collaboration between development and infrastructure teams and used Visual Studio to develop new streaming apps across Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and tvOS—delivering rich, responsive online experiences to its members across different devices and platforms.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Company Of The Future Has A Soul

Blake Morgan, author and speaker on customer experience, companies, and the future, states that it's clear that the most successful companies will be the ones that focus on enriching the lives of the people associated with it. It's not just about profits—it's about caring for other humans and our world. She says that people are frustrated by governments and their inability to make change as quickly as people want, and that instead people have turned toward corporations and businesses to make a greater, more efficient impact on society. "The company of the future has a soul," writes Morgan, "it has a purpose and contributes to the well-being of its customers, employees and community." Read her entire article and watch her short video, "The Company of the Future Has a Soul" for a richer understanding of what the best companies of the future embody.


ABB takes innovation to the next level. Education from Microsoft Consulting Services is part of the plan.

Microsoft is helping ABB maximize their digital transformation by connecting manufacturing solutions to innovative cloud capabilities. But Microsoft doesn't stop there. Microsoft Consulting Services has helped ABB transform their staff with educational resources to improve customer experiences and opportunities. Learn how Microsoft has helped ABB transform their capabilities and drive staff expertise.


What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is the evolution of DevOps, where developer, security, and operations teams are united around the culture of security as a shared responsibility. Sign up to stay connected. We'll help you navigate the world of DevSecOps and understand how to successfully adopt it.

View: What is DevSecOps?

Monday, September 6, 2021

What is DevOps?

DevOps as an ideal is revolutionizing the way organizations communicate and how they handle their daily work. Learn how this process brings together development and operations teams—who have traditionally been pitted against each other—and allows them to align on value and work toward a common goal.

Microsoft proof points for manufacturing

This infographic introduces the unique features that set Microsoft apart, including the most comprehensive set of compliance offerings, leadership in hybrid cloud solutions, and being on the leading edge of technological development. Microsoft has hundreds of thousands of partners and is the industry leader in IoT solutions.

View: Microsoft proof points for manufacturing

Why do you use Azure?

In this video, hear from executives about why they chose Microsoft solutions like Azure IoT. Microsoft is scalable, meets security requirements, and provides special features to help businesses stay ahead of the rapid pace of manufacturing innovation.

The Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suit microsoft Cloud understand plan

 The Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suite from Microsoft offers two primary plans: EMS E3 and EMS E5. Each plan includes a range of to...