Monday, June 28, 2021

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Microsoft Analytics and AI spark innovation and enable endless opportunities for using your data to foster growth. Subscribe now!

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How to Empower Your Employees to Be More Customer-Centric

"Empowerment taps into the potential of a human being to do more than what is typically defined by their job description. Empowerment allows that individual to take initiative, to show courage, and to speak up and to make things better," writes Phil Geldart, a recognized authority in transforming organizational culture and leadership development. It is especially important in today's digital business world, because customers expect personalized experiences. In order for organizations to offer an increasing amount of personalization, they must enable and empower their employees with the trust, knowledge, and permission to do what they know they can do—take care of the customer. In order for the customer-centric business model we strive for to work, your employees must feel empowered to do their part in establishing it. You can't say you want a customer-centric organization and then continually limit the responsibilities and ownership of your employees. "True empowerment allows you to release the potential of employees at all levels and roles," adds Geldart. It's here you'll see results far greater than you would if you simply instruct them what to do in each scenario. For specific guidelines on how to create a more positive workplace, read Geldart's article, "How to Empower Your Employees to Be More Customer-Centric."


Future Generali uses Microsoft AI to Deepen Customer Engagements

Future Generali India Life Insurance Co. Ltd. adopted the use of REVA, a chatbot built on the Microsoft Bot Framework, which plays a key role in driving insightful conversations with its customers. In this video, see how the company has already seen an increase in the customer satisfaction rate by 91%, which won them the Microsoft and CNBC TV18 #AIForAll award for leveraging AI for enhancing customer engagement.

Monday, June 21, 2021

In an era of distractions, Microsoft wants AI to be your coworker

Microsoft is aiming to adapt its productivity suite to a short-attention-span world, bringing years of research into products like PowerPoint, Outlook, and Excel. This article outlines how after years of slavishly digitizing and formatting words, numbers, and images, future versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint will be much more aware of your work and how you do it. Intelligent algorithms will find patterns and meanings in the data and use the insights to help you get through your day more efficiently. This transition to smarter work software has already begun.


Editorial Leadership in the Age of Content Marketing Automation

Content marketing is now widely understood and accepted as a pillar in the business industry; we acknowledge that providing educational materials to prospects and customers is vital to earn the business and loyalty of today's buyers. As technology rapidly advances, however, the concept of content marketing is changing as well. Content automation, along with editorial and creative arts automation, will continue to affect how we include content to buyers. As the "content landscape" changes, Cameron Conaway encourages leaders to continue to have an open mind and adapt along with this transformation. Rather than base your decision-making on fear, he urges you to "work to shift your mindset and develop habits of curiosity about what's changing and why." These are attributes of leaders who understand technology trends and are in it for the long haul—not short-term success. Read Conaway's full article, "Leadership in the Age of Content Marketing Automation" for inspirational insight on how to remain a content leader in the age of content automation.


Analytics & AI solution video

This video is a quick introduction to Microsoft Analytics and AI, explaining how to expand the reach of your data insights and gain increasing levels of efficiency and personalization. By harnessing the power of Microsoft Analytics, you can inform and drive intelligent automation through AI and machine learning. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Deepen and engage customers with AI

Microsoft Analytics and AI accelerates digital transformation that deepens engagement, predicts outcomes, and automates operations. Subscribe now!

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5 Tips to Get More Customers and Retain Them Too

The buyer's journey is a progression of steps the buyer takes when making a purchase. Most businesses know that they need to support the customer at all stages, even though a lot of the process is done before a buyer engages with the seller. When buyers are ready to engage, you must be ready. In the article, "5 Tips to Get More Customers and Retain Them Too," Dhaval Sarvaiya discusses the main stages of the journey: awareness, consideration, decision, retention and advocacy. In the final stage, he reminds us that customers with great experiences will "fall in love with your brand" and that they will not only "promote your brand but will defend it as well." Imagine customers so loyal that they will defend what you're selling—all because they so strongly believe in it. Read this entire article for pointers on how to support your customers at all stages of the buyer's journey.


Monday, June 14, 2021

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Work remotely, stay secure

As businesses have had to quickly pivot to new working environments, cyberattacks become an urgent concern. In this thought leadership article, you can learn some of best practices using Microsoft security that help ensure the best protection. Examples include secure access to cloud applications that protect sign-ins with security defaults, methods to manage and secure corporate data in approved apps on personal devices, and providing clear and basic information, including how to protect their devices, will help you and employees stay ahead of threats so they can remain productive.


Allstate transforms the customer experience with Azure AI

This video showcases how Allstate is transforming customer support with artificial intelligence. With Azure Cognitive Services, Allstate is capturing insights from customer calls to enable a more seamless customer experience.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Shipping company navigates to the cloud, boosts security, cuts operating costs by 50%

Qatari shipping and maritime company Nakilat has one of the world's largest fleets of liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers, transporting LNG from Qatar to global markets. To increase its competitive advantage, Nakilat wanted to improve employee productivity and mobility, without compromising on data security. It uses Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Cloud App Security to deliver highly secure cloud-first workplaces—shipboard and in the office. Nakilat also adopted the Microsoft Azure platform to optimize its operations and improve business continuity, reducing operating costs by 50 percent. See more in this video.


Microsoft Threat Protection stops attack sprawl and auto-heals enterprise assets with built-in intelligence and automation

Attackers will cross multiple domains like email, identity, endpoints, and applications to find the point of least resistance. Today's defense solutions have been designed to protect, detect, and block threats for each domain separately, allowing attackers to exploit the seams and threshold differences between solutions—leaving the business vulnerable to attack. Microsoft Threat Protection stops attack sprawl and auto-heals enterprise assets with built in intelligence and automation. Read on to learn more.


Solution overview video

This video highlights the benefits and features of using the Modernize .NET Microsoft solution to find lightning fast innovation, elastic scalability, cost savings, and better performance.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Greater Security

Greater security at lower cost with the expertise and power of Microsoft security solutions. Learn more about simplifying and fortifying with Microsoft security.

View: Greater Security

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The way we think of and use technology holds so much potential. From increasing the productivity of farmers to helping researchers track endangered species, Microsoft is proud to support so many amazing people who inspire and improve the world we live in. Whether you're trying to make a difference on a global scale or trying to improve job satisfaction in the workplace, silicon power solutions can help! Subscribe today!

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How to Become a Leadership Influencer

Blending the concepts of "social influencers" with "thought leaders," Tom Popomaronis states that a new breed is emerging. A "leadership influencer" still shares knowledge and philosophy through various channels but also demonstrates a rare skill—the power to inspire. Popomaronis shows you where to begin if you haven't published anything yet. He suggests, for example, you could start by writing about favorite quotes and the lessons you associate with them. Eventually, you'll focus more on your industry expertise. The point is, you need to start somewhere. It doesn't matter what you call yourself—but if you can inspire others with your content, you're one step closer to "leadership influencer." Read "How to Become a Leadership Influencer" by Tom Popomaronis.


The Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suit microsoft Cloud understand plan

 The Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suite from Microsoft offers two primary plans: EMS E3 and EMS E5. Each plan includes a range of to...