Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Innovate Infographic

Moving Windows Server and SQL workloads to Azure provides flexible, scalable, and highly available cloud infrastructure. It also supports rapid innovation and digital transformation, freeing you to innovate. This infographic presents the benefits of running Windows Server and SQL Server on Azure.

View: Innovate Infographic

The Ultimate Meeting Guide

How could your employees benefit if you improved your businesses everyday meetings? With meeting best practices, you can improve your company's bottom line and value your employees' time. Sounds good, right? Check out this eBook for more information on how to achieve simple, direct meetings focused on clear action items. Want to improve your employees communication in all aspects across your business? Contact our team to learn how we can help level up your communication game.

View: The Ultimate Meeting Guide

Help customers work together with Microsoft technology

The landscape of teamwork is changing. Did you know that 83% of employees depend on technology to work together? We know many businesses struggle with disjointed file sharing and dispersed resources. If it sounds like we're describing your company, don't worry--we can help. Now you can take the hassle out of workplace communication with Teamwork solutions from Microsoft. With an integrated Teamwork solution, your employees can bring their teams and resources together, connect with users outside the company, and even work remotely. What are you waiting for? Check out this infographic for more on how your company can benefit from a comprehensive teamwork solution.

View: Help customers work together with Microsoft technology

Itaú Unibanco boosts service availability and data processing with SQL Server 2019

As a banking leader in Latin America and one of the largest banks in the world, Itaú Unibanco handles thousands of transactions every second. Operating on an aging data infrastructure, the bank found it difficult to expand its digital services without breaking SLAs or putting its guarantee of continuous service availability at risk. Since it migrated database services to Microsoft SQL Server 2019 based on Intel datacenter technologies, Itaú Unibanco can confidently scale data collection and infrastructure maintenance while it delivers the high level of service its private and commercial banking customers rely on.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The value of moving to Azure

Considering modernizing and moving your business to the cloud? You're not alone. You're also not the one thinking about security and compliance. Microsoft Azure has advanced security features and more compliance certifications than any other public cloud provider. Full back up and recovery to the cloud and built-in security features across on-premises and cloud deployments. Single sign on (SSO) for each employee, extending local user identities and permissions to the cloud. For the best in security and compliance, Microsoft Azure sits alone.

View: The value of moving to Azure

Lackluster Teamwork? Tips For Boosting Performance

How can you improve teamwork for your team? And what does successful teamwork look like for employees across different generations? Research shows that regular constructive feedback is key to making employees feel that their contributions are valued, especially among younger workers. This in turn translates to increased motivation among all employees and a reinforcement of the team's core values. Check out this article for more on how to help engage your employees and facilitate better teamwork.


Why Microsoft Services for Modernization

Ready to move your applications to a modern cloud? The Modernization Solution from Microsoft Services provides a thorough approach to move applications, data and infrastructure to an enterprise-ready cloud. While migration requires commitment, Microsoft Services provides unparalleled guidance and support during the entire process.

View: Why Microsoft Services for Modernization

Why Microsoft Services for Modernization

Ready to move your applications to a modern cloud? The Modernization Solution from Microsoft Services provides a thorough approach to move applications, data and infrastructure to an enterprise-ready cloud. While migration requires commitment, Microsoft Services provides unparalleled guidance and support during the entire process.

View: Why Microsoft Services for Modernization

Customer Story: Clifton Coffee Overview

For Clifton Coffee Roasters, the first step to growing their business was to improve internal communication within the company. In the past, communication among team members was extremely disjointed, so it was challenging for team members to connect in an efficient manner. And as the business expanded and more employees were onboarded, the communication breakdown became even worse. Enter Teamwork solutions from Microsoft. With a streamlined communication strategy that provided a single hub for company resources and multiple methods for team members to connect no matter where they were individually located, Clifton Coffee Roasters was able to grow into one of the UK's premier coffee companies. Contact our team to see how we can help transform your business with an upgraded teamwork platform.

Customer Story: SitePro Part 2

SitePro is a software company with a mission to enable the digital oil field. In this video, discover how Microsoft Azure helps SitePro harness the power of data to drive transformation for its oil and gas company customers.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

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Did you know that having resources available in Microsoft Teamwork solutions reduces downtime by 15%? The benefit to your company productivity can be huge. Want to propel your business forward and change the way your team communicates? Subscribe now to learn how you can change the way your team works together.

View: Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

What's The Future Of Your Technology Capabilities?

Though the coronavirus situation forced a remote work model for many businesses, some have realized that it might be more ideal than returning to the traditional go-to-work model. Why? Cloud technology. In his article, "What's the Future of Your Technology Capabilities?" Gilles Muys writes that the cloud has proven it's here to stay, due to withstanding various vulnerabilities. He adds that another reason the cloud is long-term is "its ability to stand alone from being infrastructure-dependent makes it cost-effective." He points out that now is the time to transition to cost-saving technology because all signs point to increase cloud use and associated benefits. Have questions about Azure cloud migration? Contact us—we'd like to help.


Customer Story: Clifton Coffee

Clifton Coffee Roasters (CCR) is a popular coffee company that profited from the recent boom in café culture. As Clifton Coffee Roasters' business grew, so did the company leaders' ambitions. They credit digital business and communication tools from Microsoft with helping them to grow and scale their business. Now, they provide additional services like technical support and delivery service to coffee shops across the UK. Check out this video to see how Clifton Coffee Roasters upgraded their teamwork strategy to grow their business.

Azure Migration Program Customer

The buzz is constant: What are the pros and cons of migrating my business to the cloud? What will it cost? How do I join the Azure Migration Program (AMP)? It's a big jump to get to the cloud, but once you take it we are confident you will not regret it. We offer step-by-step guidance, including foundational and role-specific courses to help ensure your migration readiness. Have a look at this informational one-pager that shows how you will benefit from the AMP and answers many of your questions. There's even a "Next steps" link when you're ready for it.

View: Azure Migration Program Customer

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

We All Knew Tech Would Make Work Better

By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be comprised of Millennials. What are you doing to modernize your workplace? Today, the answers are increasingly nuanced, characterized by a cycle of changes in the workplace. After a revolution in the workplace spurred by technology, companies are finding that a balanced approach may be the most effective. Explore this article to learn more.


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Businesses are amassing enormous amounts of data, more than they know what to do with. Most are just using it to put together dense periodic reports explaining "what" happened too long after the fact to be of much use. Modernizing your digital workplace by moving to Azure and utilizing its AI technology can help you get a handle on your data and graduate from "what" happened to "how" it happened and, finally, to what "will" happen to inform what you should do all within a relevant period of time.

View: Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Customer Story: Think Up Consulting Recap

With its global client base increasing, Think Up Consulting needed to improve its remote working capabilities. Its VPN-based system sometimes made it difficult for employees to remotely access files. And without a centralized platform, employees wasted time switching between disparate systems. But with Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 Business, Think Up created a unified solution, increased productivity and security, improved efficacy, and reduced costs. Think Up Consulting empowers its employees to achieve more together. We can help you increase your global client base. Contact us to learn more.

SitePro Part 1

SitePro gained a competitive advantage by combining onsite sensors and data collection with online data processing and management using Microsoft Azure. As a result, they were able to provide faster and more effective service to their customers, which in turn strengthened the offerings of their customers. It's a win for everyone.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by Windows 10 Security Features

$1.1 million was saved by those using Windows 10 as a result of reduced productivity impact of malware infections. This Forrester Consulting study, commissioned by Microsoft, examines the Total Economic Impact™ of Windows 10 security features. Windows 10 provides a completely integrated solution, which impacts overall security and minimizes use of system resources. Check out the full study to learn more about Windows 10 features to better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with this investment with silicon power solutions.

View: Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by Windows 10 Security Features

The Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suit microsoft Cloud understand plan

 The Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suite from Microsoft offers two primary plans: EMS E3 and EMS E5. Each plan includes a range of to...